About US


Top Manufacturer And Supplier
Of Steel Fiber And Low Carbon Steel Products
In Egypt And Middle East.



EL DEMERI GROUP was established in 1959 as a small plant in the business of steel products, through years, EL DEMERI GROUP has been always motivated to meet the growing demand for steel fiber, not only in Middle East, but also in the entire world. Today, EL DEMERI GROUP is widely known as a foremost leader in the steel fiber industry, as it has embarked upon a series of initiatives aimed to increase its production capacity. The ongoing technical expansion projects are designed to be able to produce the top qualified products that will embrace EL DEMERI GROUP’s presence in the world of steel fiber and more products., and in a short time, the group was able to have several agencies for leading brands from all over the world.

Next Steps…

Is to become the top manufacturer and supplier of steel fiber products in each geographical area in which we are operating

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